miðvikudagur, maí 17, 2006

Morgunútvarp RÚV: Vinton&Vee

Hetjur morgunþáttarins Pipar og salt í dag: Myndirnar til vinstri sýna Bobby Vinton (Stanley Robert Vintula Jr.):"Roses are red, my love", "Blue Velvet", o.fl., o.fl. ...
...og til hægri eru myndir af Bobby Vee: "Take Good Care of My Baby", "The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", o.fl., o.fl. ...
...Dino og Golden Gate Quartet...lög eftir Henry Mancini...og fleiri góð lög úr bíómyndum...skemmtilegt hanastél hjá Helga Má Barðasyni...

2 ummæli:

Writer and Nomad sagði...

just dropping by. testing my icelandic (which is virtually non-existent). but i love to ry to figure it out.

Saumakona - eða þannig sagði...

Well, this post must be a bit easier for you than the others, all about the musical heroes of days gone by on a morningprogram called "pepper and salt" on one of our radiostations...
Hope to see you in Iceland some day!