sunnudagur, desember 17, 2006

Ég er eins og...

Carole Lombard
You scored 26% grit, 19% wit, 42% flair, and 30% class!

You're a little bit of a fruitcake, but you always act out in style. You have a good sense of humor, are game for almost anything, but you like to have nice things about you and are attracted to the high life. You're stylish and modern, but you've got a few rough edges that keep you from attaining true sophistication. Your leading men include William Powell, Fredric March, and Clark Gable. Watch out for small planes.

Find out what kind of classic leading man or classic dame you'd make

2 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

Ekki leiðum að líkjast!
Voðalega er síðan þín eitthvað litrík og skemmtileg þessa dagana!
Bestu jólakveðjur úr Ajaxilmi og brenndum smáköku-fnyk...!

Saumakona - eða þannig sagði...

Þakka þér fyrir og sömu leiðis!