Með því þolanlegra á dagskrá RÚV eru þættirnir um aðþrengdu eiginkonurnar á fimmtudagskvöldum. Hvaða aðþrengda eiginkona ert þú? Samkvæmt þessu prófi er ég Lynette (mamman örþreytta)!
Happy 17th of June......I am making Icelandic Ponnukokur today and will share them with the Icelandic group from PA. I admire you for your cleaning out.Why am I keeping things all over the house that will never be used or see the light of day?
Oh, I don´t know if I deserve much admiration for my cleaning out, as it simply comes from me having such a limited space to keep my things, due to how small my flat is!
Happy 17. júní to you too. The weather has turned out "bearable", no rain pouring down like yesterday.
Sounds delicious with the pönnukökur - I love them too. Used to make them very often when my boys were little, as they love them too - not so often nowadays. While I lived in Scotland I sometimes made them every day for Eysteinn when it was cold, we got warm making them, as there was not much heating in the flat.
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Happy 17th of June......I am making Icelandic Ponnukokur today and will share them with the Icelandic group from PA.
I admire you for your cleaning out.Why am I keeping things all over the house that will never be used or see the light of day?
Oh, I don´t know if I deserve much admiration for my cleaning out, as it simply comes from me having such a limited space to keep my things, due to how small my flat is!
Happy 17. júní to you too. The weather has turned out "bearable", no rain pouring down like yesterday.
Sounds delicious with the pönnukökur - I love them too. Used to make them very often when my boys were little, as they love them too - not so often nowadays. While I lived in Scotland I sometimes made them every day for Eysteinn when it was cold, we got warm making them, as there was not much heating in the flat.
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